
刘凯   维罗妮卡






维罗妮卡:Veronika S. Saraswati,印尼国际战略研究中心(CSIS)中国研究中心主任



自2014年担任总统以来,佐科·维多多始终将基础设施建设作为执政优先事项。当年11月,佐科总统提出建设“全球海洋支点”战略,并将基础设施建设作为该战略的四大支柱之一,以此加强印尼大小岛屿间的互联互通。全长142.3公里的雅加达—万隆高速铁路(Kereta Cepat Jakarta Bandung, KCJB)是印度尼西亚乃至整个东南亚地区第一条高速铁路,也是中国与印尼共建“一带一路”的标志性工程。雅万高铁所在爪哇岛是印尼第五大岛,也是印尼人口数量最多、人口密度最高的岛屿,对现代交通基础设施具有现实的需求。






























高铁站是城市内受高铁建设影响最直接的区域,高铁建设和开通将有力促进站点地区的土地开发。实证研究表明,高铁开通使城市土地利用强度“提高了约4.4%”。高铁建设有利于站区的经济增长,且主要来源是位于距离站点30-110 KM范围内的资源再分配效应。雅万高铁开通后,从雅加达至万隆沿线的城际通勤者的数量均随着城际通勤条件的改善而增加,有利于形成高铁“1小时通勤圈”。







High-Speed Railways Drives Development:

Analysis of the Economic Effects of Jakarta-Bandung High-Speed Railway on Java

Liu Kai[①] 

Veronika S. Saraswati[②]


Since taking offices as Indonesian President in 2014, President Joko Widodo has been always putting infrastructure construction as a priority during his administration. In November of that year, President Jokowi proposed a “global maritime fulcrum” strategy and constructed infrastructure as one of the four pillars of the strategy to strengthen connectivity between Indonesia’s large and small islands.

The 142.3-kilometer Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway is the first high-speed railway in Indonesia and the entire Southeast Asian region, and it is also a landmark project of the “Belt and Road” jointly built by China and Indonesia Java, where the Jakarta-Bandung High-speed Railway (JBHSR) is located, is Indonesia’s fifth-largest island and the most populous and densely populated island in Indonesia, with a realistic need for modern transportation infrastructure.On November 16th, 2022, during the G20 Summit in Bali, President Jokowi and President Xi Jinping jointly observed the trial operation of the JBHSR.

It is expected that the JBHSR will officially start to operate in June 2023, and the travel time between Jakarta and Bandung will be shortened from the current of more than three hours reduced sharply to about 40 minutes. In the future, the extension of the JBHSR route can reach to Surabaya and through the entire island of Java will further deepen regional connectivity and drive the economic development the entire Java island.As a landmark project of Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and a national strategic project of Indonesia, the JBHSR not only has the demonstration effect of the first high-speed railway in Southeast Asia, but also undertakes the major mission to connect the central cities in Java, to strengthen interconnection of neighboring cities, and to promote regional economic development.

The JBHSR has set up four stations, namely Halim, Karawang, Wallini and Tegalluar stations, which will radiate and pull many industrial parks along the line, further create jobs; attract investment; promote development of tourism, logistics and emerging industries; and effectively promote formation of “economic growth belts” along the route.From economics perspective, the JBHSR is the main skeleton of the rapid integrated transportation network in Java. The opening and operation of the JBHSR will have a profound impact on the accessibility, factor market and spatial structure of cities along the route.


  1. An analytical framework based on factor flow theory

From the perspective of the flow of economic factors, establishment of the JBHSR will improve the convenience between different cities in Java, promote the cross-regional allocation of various resources, shorten time and space distance between cities, thereby alleviating misallocation of resources between regions, realizing the market integration of neighboring cities such as Jakarta and Bandung and producing economic agglomeration effects, and will boost the economic development of Java, Bali, Sumatra and other regions.

a.interregional flow of elements theory substance

Factor flows are often used as a precondition in economic theory, where economic growth theory assumes that factors of production can flow freely within the country, and this characteristic is implied in general equilibrium theory in microeconomics. The interregional flow of factors is the condition for regional economic development, and the factors affecting the development of a region are diverse, including natural factors, economic factors, social factors, cultural factors, etc.

From the perspective of liquidity, it can be divided into highly liquid production factors, such as monetary capital, technology, high-end talents and talented persons, brands, marketing networks and operation and management methods; low-mobility factors of production, such as general labor; completely inactive factors of production, such as land and natural resources.

The effect of factor flowing on regional disparities depends on the diminishing or increasing marginal returns of factors, and the marginal income difference produces endogenous agglomeration, which may lead to uneven economic growth between regions and form a “center-periphery” industrial development pattern. In order to narrow the gradient gap in regional industrial development, efforts should be made to promote the reasonable free flow of factors.

Good economic factors create conditions for production and operation, which is conducive to the optimal allocation of factors. Factors such as population, labour, capital, technology and commodities can move across regions, and in general, population movements drive labour mobility, thereby contributing to economic growth. Labor mobility, capital and technology are also added value in regional mobility.

Liquidity factors are input factors in the regional economy and the source of regional economic growth, because the production process of commodities is combination product of fixed assets, working capital, technology and labor force materialized by capital. Reproduction of the market and expansion of the reproduction are also a result of continuous input of the production factors. Interregional mobility of the factors is closely related to degree of commodity economy development.

The development of regional economy must catalyze and accelerate the inflow and outflow of factors. The history of the development of human society is the history of the development of the commodity economy, and it is also the history of the continuous expansion of the interregional flow of factors. The continuous flow of capital across regional boundaries leads to the increasing and rapid diffusion of technological inventions and creations in the market, while promoting the migration of labor to large range.

b.The direction and drivers of interregional flow of elements

The flow direction of elements between regions is generally governed by three laws, first, moving in the direction where the gravity of demand is greatest. When the demand gravity is greater, the more serious of the scarcity of factors, the greater the contradiction between supply and demand of factors, and therefore the easier it is to attract factors from other regions to enter. Second, moving in the direction of maximizing returns, that is, factors have obvious value-added tendencies in the flow, and the pursuit of the expansion of economic and non-economic benefits is always the basic goal of factor flow. Third, moving to the nearest area, i.e. following the principle of proximity mobility. The closer of the distance, the more complete and rapid the information spreads, the easier the flow of factors, and the lower of the cost.

Generally speaking, in developing countries, because there is a large surplus of rural labor, and urban industry will have a problem of insufficient labor in the expansion, so in the process of industrialization, the interregional flow of labor will show the flow from rural to urban and from small cities to large cities.However, the flow of technology is the opposite, and the direction of technology dissemination generally follows the direction of “big city, small city and rural area”, that is, the opposite direction of labor flow.

In general, whether and how factors can flow between regions depends mainly on the triple factors of external environment, internal mechanisms and intermediary conditions. Among them, mediation conditions refer to some intermediate links connecting the flow of features between regions. In the intermediate link, the means of transportation usually have a great direct relationship with the movement of labor between regions. When the means of transportation are more secure, it will boost the movement of labor between regions.


III. Economic effects of the JBHSR for the Java region

Considering by fact that Indonesia entering in an important period of modern infrastructure construction, the construction and opening of the JBHSR will continue to have an important impact on the economic and spatial structure of cities along the route, including providing fast and comfortable passenger services, releasing existing railway freight capacity, and profoundly affecting regional industrial adjustment, demography and spatial structure.


a.Improve urban accessibility in Java

The opening of the JBHSR high-speed railway will improve the accessibility of cities along the high-speed railway, further reshape the regional spatial distribution of production factors, accelerate capital and population flows, promote industrial development and employment improvement, and have a profound impact on the land and housing market.

Accessibility refers to the “size of the interaction opportunity”, that is, the ease with which travelers can use a given transportation system to get from the point of departure to the place of activity (Hansen, 1959)[③]. High-speed railway can shorten the travel time between cities and play a positive role in improving urban accessibility. On an overall level, high-speed railway reduces average travel times between cities by 45% (Liu & Zhang, 2018)[④]. High-speed railway contributes 32% to the accessibility of transportation along the route (Cascetta et al., 2020)[⑤].

Some scholars believe that economically developed and densely populated cities have gained more significant benefits from the opening of high-speed railway (Cao et al., 2013)[⑥]. This is obviously conducive to the development of big cities in Java such as Jakarta and Bandung. For example, based on the accessibility findings of China’s high-speed railway network, eastern cities benefit more from improved high-speed railway accessibility than hinterland cities (Zhu et al., 2016)[⑦].  High-speed railway will narrow the accessibility gap between large cities such as Jakarta and Bandung and small and medium cities along the route, due to the high degree of inequality in regional accessibility in the early stage of high-speed railway development, the construction of high-speed railway network will be conducive to the spatial balance of accessibility;  non-high-speed railway cities such as Surabaya, Solo, Yogyakarta and Semarang can also benefit from the accessibility improvement of neighboring high-speed railway cities (Zhou et al., 2018)[⑧].

  1. Accelerating the factor flowing in Java

By compressing the time and space distance between cities along the route, the JBHSR improves the flow efficiency of regional production factors. The transfer of production factors and the reallocation of resources in Java will drive the optimization of industrial structure and the evolution of economic spatial pattern and promote the high-quality economic development along the high-speed railway line and in Java Island.

First of all, the operationalization of the JBHSR will improve the accessibility of the Java region, profoundly affect the economic activities of the region and the city, and accelerate the flow of capital factors. It is found that cities with developed transportation networks will attract more interregional working capital, and the opening of high-speed railway will increase urban risk capital inflow and outflow by 1.0% and 1.6%, respectively (Duan et al., 2021)[⑨]. Accordingly, the JBHSR will strengthen the position of core cities such as Jakarta and Bandung by attracting capital inflows from cities along the route. At the same time, small businesses, young enterprises and emerging industries along the route will also benefit more from the capital flows brought by the construction of high-speed railway (Duan et al., 2020)[⑩].

The JBHSR will also reshape the regional spatial structure by affecting the spatial distribution of economic factors, and will promote the structural upgrading of advantageous industries such as financial services, manufacturing, and textiles in Jakarta, Bandung and other cities. In the process of enhancing cross-regional connections, high-speed railway has significantly reduced the cost of trade between cities (Bernard et al., 2019)[11]. According to the theory of new economic geography, the reduction of trade costs will make production factors face new location choices to increase real returns, and the agglomeration or diffusion effect brought about by the cross-regional migration of innovation factors will make regional innovation appear spatially differentiatedFrom the perspective of factor flowing, the JBHSR will promote the innovation and development of the Java region, and the basic logic is that the operationalizing the high-speed railway reduces the commuting cost between cities, thereby promoting information dissemination and knowledge spillover at the level of face-to-face communication, and reducing the social cost and investment risk of enterprise innovation (Donaldson & Hornbeck, 2016)[12].


c.Promoting industrial upgrading in Java

Operationalization of the JBHSR will have different impacts on the three major industries and sub-sectors in Java; it will prominently continue to have a positive impact on the total factor productivity of agriculture along the route, and accelerate the development of the secondary industry, especially to promote manufacturing agglomeration. In addition, the JBHSR will promote the agglomeration of productive service industries, and with the improvement of the high-speed railway network, there will be a significant promotion effect (Shao et al., 2017)[13]. In terms of sub-sectors, the tourism industry in the Java region will benefit more from the improved accessibility of the JBHSR. The study argues that the operationalization of the high speed railway has effectively promoted the significant development of tourism and business service industries, including accommodation, food industry, retail industry, etc., and the improvement of personnel transportation efficiency will promote cities in reaching their own comparative advantages, have a positive impact on the development of tourism, and enhance the tourism economic ties between cities (Jin et al., 2020)[14]. Due to the substitution effect, the inter-city transport industry such as aviation and ordinary railways has been negatively affected by the establishment of the JBHSR, but cooperation such as multimode transportation can help expand the service market and improve the quality of passenger services (Jiang & Zhang, 2016)[15].

At the macro level, the opening of the JBHSR can improve the cross-regional flow speed of production factors, strengthen the linkage of resource allocation between cities, push reduction of transaction costs and cross-regional flow of production factors, break down the barriers to the free flow of factors in different cities, increase the frequency of inter-city connections, and reduce the adverse impact of resource misallocation on industrial structure adjustment.

At the micro level, enterprises need to consider transaction costs, transportation costs and time costs when making long-distance investment or setting up factories, and the improvement of transportation facilities significantly reduces such social costs, making it possible for enterprises to invest in different places, and the improvement of capital investment efficiency gradually forms an industrial synergistic agglomeration effect, thereby providing opportunities for industrial structure optimization.

Besides, the construction of the JBHSR itself is a huge industrial chain, the construction of high-speed railway will boost the development of upstream and downstream communications, precision instruments and information technology and other industries, while optimizing the industrial structure of cities along the line and also promoting the construction of new infrastructure.

From upstream technology research, design and development, design consulting, to midstream construction, equipment manufacturing, to downstream operation and maintenance, value-added services, etc., in this long industrial chain, the relevant industrial structure in Java and even Indonesia will be developed to varying degrees.


  1. Accelerating migration in Java

The establishment of the JBHSR will help improving interregional transport capacity and shorten travel time, and play an important role in promoting population movement. The study found that population growth correlated with the location, size and degree of transportation improvement of cities (Coronado et al., 2019)[16]. The JBHSR will lead to the migration of residents of non-high-speed railway cities in Java to high-speed railway cities such as Jakarta and Bandung, resulting in population outflow from some small cities. The endogenous growth theory shows that regional innovation growth mainly comes from R&D investment and knowledge spillover.

In viewing the fact that knowledge is rooted in the characteristics of individuals, talented persons flowing is the most important way for interregional knowledge spillover, especially tacit knowledge spillover. Therefore, the opening of the JBHSR has improved the cross-regional mobility of talents and promoted the spillover of knowledge between different regions.

The population and employment are increasing in areas with easy access. High-speed railway commuting is a phenomenon of population spatial movement that cannot be ignored. As an efficient and convenient way to travel between cities, high-speed railway has enabled an increasing number of families working in one city and living in another (Chen et al., 2016)[17]. High-speed railway is a key variable explaining the growth of labor contracts, and the construction of high-speed railway networks has ushered in an era of high mobility, which has a positive impact on improving employment opportunities. Empirical studies have shown that the impact of high-speed railway on urban employment and found that establishment of the high-speed railway increased passenger traffic by 10% and employment by 7% throughout the city (Lin, 2017)[18]. Therefore, the operationalizing  of the JBHSR will significantly improve employment opportunities in Jakarta, Bandung and other cities, and the spatial spillover effect of high-speed railway is significant, and it will have a positive impact on narrowing the income gap between urban and rural areas.


  1. Unleash the potential of the land and housing market in Java

Industrial agglomeration triggered by improved accessibility will be accompanied by population concentration and land expansion. The improved accessibility brought about by JBHSR will increase the location attractiveness for families and companies, and provide new opportunities for urban land development along the route.The study found that the impact of high-speed railway on the land value of cities along the route is more higher than that of existing railways (Tang et al., 2021)[19]. On the whole, the operationalization of the high speed railway can increase the growth rate of urban built-up areas by an average of 11.2% (Zhu, 2021)[20]. Since the original land development intensity of small and medium-sized cities is generally relatively low, the opportunity of high-speed railway construction is often used to accelerate land expansion. As an intermediate product for housing, land is highly correlated through the transmission of supply, demand and price, so it often shows consistency in impact. The accessibility of the high-speed railway network has a positive impact on residential prices, and residential prices in small and medium-sized cities are more affected by the opening of high-speed railway (Chen & Haynes, 2015)[21].

The high-speed railway station is the area most directly affected by the construction of high-speed railway in the city; the construction and operationalization of high-speed railway will effectively promote the land development of the station area. Empirical studies show that the opening of the high speed railway increases urban land use intensity by about 4.4% (Niu et al., 2021)[22]. The construction of high-speed railway is conducive to the economic growth of the station area, and the main source is the resource redistribution effect located within 30-110 KM from the station (Meng et al., 2018)[23]. Following the establishment of the JBHSR, the number of intercity commuters along the route from Jakarta to Bandung has increased with the improvement of intercity commuting conditions, which is conducive to the formation of a “one-hour commuting circle” of high-speed railway. Therefore, the construction of different station areas along the JBHSR railway will promote the urbanization process with the new high-speed railway city as the main body, and have a greater impact on the price of surrounding housing (Yang & Huang, 2022)[24]. After the completion and opening of the four high-speed railway stations along the Halim, Karawang, Wallini and Tegalluar stations, it will have a radiating and pulling effect on the surrounding residential prices


Ⅳ.Conclusions and Prospects

Since long period, Indonesia’s economic development has mainly been mainly driven by traditional factors. This type of development focuses on quantity expansion while ignoring development quality and benefits, resulting in excessive consumption of resources and failure to achieve sustainable economic and social development. In the post-pandemic era, global economic development is full of uncertainties, and traditional development drivers continue to weaken. It is urgent to rely on innovation to drive new economic growth points, create new engines for high-quality development, and accelerate the transformation from traditional factor-driven development to innovation-driven development.

The JBHSR, which is scheduled to be officially to going to open and operate in June 2023, will inject new impetus for the economy of Java and even Indonesia. The construction and opening of the JBHSR can significantly shorten the travel time between cities in Java and play a positive role in improving urban accessibility. The improvement of accessibility will accelerate the factor flowing of capital and population between cities in Java and the whole of Indonesia, and even international, and profoundly affect the industrial structure and land use pattern of cities along the high-speed railway.

The flow of elements makes big cities such as Jakarta and Bandung produce a “absorbing effect” on surrounding small and medium-sized cities, driving the industrial upgrading of high-speed railway cities. At the same time, it will increase employment, narrow the income gap between urban and rural areas and boost land development. In addition, the construction of the JBHSR and the high-speed railway stations along the line will help the Java region to build a large-scale comprehensive transportation hub, forming a “convenient channel” to enter and exit the economic hinterland of Java, and further promote the coordinated development of Sumatra, Bali and other regions.

After the JBHSR is accomplished and opened, it will directly promote the integration of economy, society, industry, and transportation between the capital region centered on Jakarta and the economic hinterland of West Java centered on Bandung, and the sharing of essential resources such as talents and technology among cities along the line. The rapid flows of talent, material, technology, and information create a high-quality development platform for Indonesian local enterprises and global foreign-funded enterprises. The R&D center of the Jakarta headquarters and the production center and technology center in West Java will form a more convenient connection and interaction.

The restriction of “spatial distance” on the flow of factors began to blur, the market boundaries between different cities gradually weakened, and the market entry barriers and transaction costs were reduced, thus effectively promoting the market exchange and integration between cities. The economic integration and integration of the Java region will progressively enhance. In the future, Indonesia should further improve the spatial layout of the JBHSR railway line, give full play to the spatial allocation effect of high-speed railway on human capital and innovation elements, strengthen the division of labor and cooperation and synergy among cities along the high-speed railway, and implement differentiated regional innovation and development strategies.


[①]  Liu Kai is a Doctoral Candidate at Research School for Southeast Asian Studies, Xiamen University, Fujian, China.

[②] Veronika S. Saraswati is a China Study Unit Convener, CSIS Indonesia.


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